Image |
Scientific name |
Subspecies |
Coryphantha clavata (Scheidw.) Backeb. |
- Coryphantha clavata subsp. clavata
- Coryphantha clavata subsp. stipitata (Scheidw.) Dicht & A.Lüthy
Coryphantha compacta (Engelm.) Orcutt |
Mexico (to Sonora)
Coryphantha cornifera (DC.) Lem. |
Coryphantha delaetiana (Quehl) A.Berger |
Coryphantha delicata L.Bremer |
Coryphantha difficilis (Quehl) Orcutt |
Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí)
Coryphantha durangensis (Runge ex K.Schum.) Britton & Rose |
- Coryphantha durangensis subsp. cuencamensis (L.Bremer) Dicht & A.Lüthy
- Coryphantha durangensis subsp. durangensis
Mexico (Durango, Coahuila).
Coryphantha echinoidea (Quehl) Britton & Rose |
Coryphantha echinus (Engelm.) Britton & Rose |
Central Texas to NE. Mexico
Coryphantha elephantidens (Lem.) Lem. |
- Coryphantha elephantidens subsp. bumamma (Ehrenb.) Dicht & A.Lüthy
- Coryphantha elephantidens subsp. elephantidens
- Coryphantha elephantidens subsp. greenwoodii (Bravo) Dicht & A.Lüthy
Coryphantha erecta (Lem. ex Pfeiff.) Lem. |
Mexico (to Veracruz)
Coryphantha georgii Boed. |
Coryphantha glanduligera (Otto & A.Dietr.) Lem. |
Mexico (to Jalisco).
Coryphantha glassii Dicht & A.Lüthy |
Mexico (Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí).
Coryphantha gracilis Bremer & A.B.Lau |
Mexico (Chihuahua).
Coryphantha hintoniorum Dicht & A.Lüthy |
- Coryphantha hintoniorum subsp. geoffreyi Dicht & A.Lüthy
- Coryphantha hintoniorum subsp. hintoniorum
Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí)
Coryphantha jalpanensis Buchenau |
Mexico (Querétaro to Hidalgo)
Coryphantha kracikii Halda, Chalupa & Kupčák |
Mexico (Durango)
Coryphantha longicornis Boed. |
Mexico (Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango)
Coryphantha maiz-tablasensis Fritz Schwarz ex Backeb. |
Mexico (to Jalisco)
Coryphantha neglecta L.Bremer |
Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo León).
Coryphantha nickelsiae (K.Brandegee) Britton & Rose |
Texas to Mexico (Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo León)
Coryphantha octacantha (DC.) Britton & Rose |
Mexico (to Jalisco).
Coryphantha ottonis (Pfeiff.) Lem. |
Coryphantha pallida Britton & Rose |
Mexico (Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca)
Coryphantha poselgeriana (A.Dietr.) Britton & Rose |
Coryphantha potosiana (Jacobi) Glass & R.A.Foster |
Mexico (Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas)
Coryphantha pseudoechinus Boed. |
- Coryphantha pseudoechinus subsp. laui (L.Bremer) Dicht & A.Lüthy
- Coryphantha pseudoechinus subsp. pseudoechinus
Coryphantha pseudonickelsiae Backeb. |
Mexico (Durango, Chihuahua, Coahuila)
Coryphantha pulleineana (Backeb.) Glass |
Mexico (Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí)
Coryphantha pycnacantha (Mart.) Lem. |
Coryphantha ramillosa Cutak |
- Coryphantha ramillosa subsp. ramillosa
- Coryphantha ramillosa subsp. santarosa Dicht & A.Lüthy
SW. Texas to NE. Mexico
Coryphantha recurvata (Engelm.) Britton & Rose |
- Coryphantha recurvata subsp. canatlanensis Dicht & A.Lüthy
- Coryphantha recurvata subsp. recurvata
Arizona to Mexico (Sonora)
Coryphantha retusa (Pfeiff.) Britton & Rose |
Mexico (Puebla, Oaxaca)
Coryphantha robustispina (Schott ex Engelm.) Britton & Rose |
- Coryphantha robustispina subsp. robustispina
- Coryphantha robustispina subsp. scheeri (Lem.) N.P.Taylor
Arizona to SW. New Mexico and Mexico (Sonora)
Coryphantha salinensis (Poselg.) Dicht & A.Lüthy |
. Mexico
Coryphantha sulcata (Engelm.) Britton & Rose |
Texas to Mexico (Coahuila, Tamualipas, Nuevo León)
Coryphantha tripugionacantha A.B.Lau |
Mexico (Zacatecas, Jalisco)
Coryphantha vaupeliana Boed. |
Mexico (Tamaulipas, Durango, Zacatecas)
Coryphantha vogtherriana Werderm. & Boed. |
Mexico (Jalisco to San Luis Potosí)
Coryphantha werdermannii Boed. |
Mexico (Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango)
Coryphantha wohlschlageri Holzeis |
Mexico (Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí)