Born in Bucharest,[1] he advanced in rank to lieutenant colonel in 1927, and to colonel in 1934. In 1939 he was promoted to brigadier general and was appointed Assistant Chief General Staff. In January 1941 he became Secretary-General of Administration Ministry of Defence. In November 1941 he was awarded the Order of the Star of Romania, Grand Officer class for his role in the Siege of Odessa.[2] From 18 November 1941 to 15 July 1943 he served in the Third Antonescu cabinet as Under-Secretary of State for Army and Civilian Supply.[3] He was promoted to major general in 1942, and went into reserve in July 1943.
From February to September 1944, Constantin was Deputy General Officer Commanding Capital Military Command. He went into reserve again that year, and retired in March 1945.[4] In 1946, he was arrested and on 6 February 1948 was condemned to 10 years imprisonment.[5] He died several weeks later in the Văcărești Prison.[1]
^Decretul Regal nr. 3.086 din 7 noiembrie 1941 pentru conferiri de decorațiuni de războiu, publicat în Monitorul Oficial, anul CIX, nr. 278 din 22 noiembrie 1941, partea I-a, p. 7.284.
^ Decretul Conducătorului Statului nr. 3.223 din 18 noiembrie 1941 pentru numire de subsecretar de Stat însărcinat cu aprovizionarea armatei și populației civile, publicat în Monitorul Oficial, anul CIX, nr. 276 din 20 noiembrie 1941, partea I-a, p. 7.236.
^Decretul regal nr. 860 din 24 martie 1945 pentru treceri în pozițiunea de rezervă, publicat în Monitorul Oficial, anul CXIII, nr. 70 din 26 martie 1945, partea I-a, p. 2.259.