Comparison of programming languages (algebraic data type)

This article compares the syntax for defining and instantiating an algebraic data type (ADT), sometimes also referred to as a tagged union, in various programming languages.

Examples of algebraic data types


In ATS, an ADT may be defined with:[1][2]

datatype tree =
	| Empty of () 
	| Node of (int, tree, tree)

And instantiated as:

val my_tree = Node(42, Node(0, Empty, Empty), Empty)

Additionally in ATS dataviewtypes are the linear type version of ADTs for the purpose of providing in the setting of manual memory management with the convenience of pattern matching.[3] An example program might look like:

(* Alternatively one can use the datavtype keyword *)
dataviewtype int_or_string_vt (bool) =
	| String_vt (true) of string
	| Int_vt (false) of int

(* Alternatively one can use the vtypedef keyword *)
viewtypedef Int_or_String_vt = [b: bool] int_or_string_vt b

fn print_int_or_string (i_or_s: Int_or_String_vt): void =
	case+ i_or_s of
	(* ~ indicates i_or_s will be implicitly freed in this case *)
	| ~String_vt(s) => println!(s)
	(* @ indicates i_or_s must be explicitly freed in this case *)
	| @Int_vt(i) => begin
			$extfcall(void, "fprintf", stdout_ref, "%d\n", i);

implement main0 (): void = let
	val string_hello_world = String_vt "Hello, world!"
	val int_0 = Int_vt 0
	print_int_or_string string_hello_world;
	print_int_or_string int_0;
	(* which prints:
	Hello, world!


In Ceylon, an ADT may be defined with:[4]

abstract class Tree()
    of empty | Node {}

object empty
    extends Tree() {}

final class Node(shared Integer val, shared Tree left, shared Tree right)
    extends Tree() {}

And instantiated as:

value myTree = Node(42, Node(0, empty, empty), empty);


In Clean, an ADT may be defined with:[5]

:: Tree
  = Empty
  | Node Int Tree Tree

And instantiated as:

myTree = Node 42 (Node 0 Empty Empty) Empty


In Coq, an ADT may be defined with:[6]

Inductive tree : Type :=
| empty : tree
| node : nat -> tree -> tree -> tree.

And instantiated as:

Definition my_tree := node 42 (node 0 empty empty) empty.


In C++, an ADT may be defined with:[7]

struct Empty final {};

struct Node final {
    int value;
    std::unique_ptr<std::variant<Empty, Node>> left;
    std::unique_ptr<std::variant<Empty, Node>> right;

using Tree = std::variant<Empty, Node>;

And instantiated as:

Tree myTree { Node{
} };


In Dart, an ADT may be defined with:[8]

sealed class Tree {}

final class Empty extends Tree {}

final class Node extends Tree {
  final int value;
  final Tree left, right;

  Node(this.value, this.left, this.right);

And instantiated as:

final myTree = Node(42, Node(0, Empty(), Empty()), Empty());


In Elm, an ADT may be defined with:[9]

type Tree
  = Empty
  | Node Int Tree Tree

And instantiated as:

myTree = Node 42 (Node 0 Empty Empty) Empty


In F#, an ADT may be defined with:[10]

type Tree =
    | Empty
    | Node of int * Tree * Tree

And instantiated as:

let myTree = Node(42, Node(0, Empty, Empty), Empty)


In F*, an ADT may be defined with:[11]

type tree =
  | Empty : tree
  | Node : value:nat -> left:tree -> right:tree -> tree

And instantiated as:

let my_tree = Node 42 (Node 0 Empty Empty) Empty

Free Pascal

In Free Pascal (in standard ISO Pascal mode[12]), an ADT may be defined with variant records:[13]

{$mode ISO}
program MakeTree;

type TreeKind = (Empty, Node);
  PTree = ^Tree;
  Tree = record
    case Kind: TreeKind of
      Empty: ();
      Node: (
        Value: Integer;
        Left, Right: PTree;

And instantiated as:

var MyTree: PTree;

begin new(MyTree, Node);
  with MyTree^ do begin
    Value := 42;
    new(Left,  Node);
    with Left^ do begin
      Value := 0;
      new(Left,  Empty);
      new(Right, Empty);
    new(Right, Empty);


In Haskell, an ADT may be defined with:[14]

data Tree
    = Empty
    | Node Int Tree Tree

And instantiated as:

myTree = Node 42 (Node 0 Empty Empty) Empty


In Haxe, an ADT may be defined with:[15]

enum Tree {
	Node(value:Int, left:Tree, right:Tree);

And instantiated as:

var myTree = Node(42, Node(0, Empty, Empty), Empty);


In Hope, an ADT may be defined with:[16]

data tree == empty
          ++ node (num # tree # tree);

And instantiated as:

dec mytree : tree;
--- mytree <= node (42, node (0, empty, empty), empty);


In Idris, an ADT may be defined with:[17]

data Tree
    = Empty
    | Node Nat Tree Tree

And instantiated as:

myTree : Tree
myTree = Node 42 (Node 0 Empty Empty) Empty


In Java, an ADT may be defined with:[18]

sealed interface Tree {
    record Empty() implements Tree {}
    record Node(int value, Tree left, Tree right) implements Tree {}

And instantiated as:

var myTree = new Tree.Node(
    new Tree.Node(0, new Tree.Empty(), new Tree.Empty()),
    new Tree.Empty()


In Julia, an ADT may be defined with:[19]

struct Empty

struct Node
    left::Union{Empty, Node}
    right::Union{Empty, Node}

const Tree = Union{Empty, Node}

And instantiated as:

mytree = Node(42, Node(0, Empty(), Empty()), Empty())


In Kotlin, an ADT may be defined with:[20]

sealed class Tree {
    object Empty : Tree()
    data class Node(val value: Int, val left: Tree, val right: Tree) : Tree()

And instantiated as:

val myTree = Tree.Node(
    Tree.Node(0, Tree.Empty, Tree.Empty),


In Limbo, an ADT may be defined with:[21]

Tree: adt {
	pick {
	Empty =>
	Node =>
		value: int;
		left: ref Tree;
		right: ref Tree;

And instantiated as:

myTree := ref Tree.Node(
	ref Tree.Node(0, ref Tree.Empty(), ref Tree.Empty()),
	ref Tree.Empty()


In Mercury, an ADT may be defined with:[22]

:- type tree
    --->    empty
    ;       node(int, tree, tree).

And instantiated as:

:- func my_tree = tree.
my_tree = node(42, node(0, empty, empty), empty).


In Miranda, an ADT may be defined with:[23]

tree ::=
    | Node num tree tree

And instantiated as:

my_tree = Node 42 (Node 0 Empty Empty) Empty


In Nemerle, an ADT may be defined with:[24]

variant Tree
    | Empty
    | Node {
        value: int;
        left: Tree;
        right: Tree;

And instantiated as:

def myTree = Tree.Node(
    Tree.Node(0, Tree.Empty(), Tree.Empty()),


In Nim, an ADT may be defined with:[25]

  TreeKind = enum

  Tree = ref TreeObj

  TreeObj = object
    case kind: TreeKind
    of tkEmpty:
    of tkNode:
      value: int
      left, right: Tree

And instantiated as:

let myTree = Tree(kind: tkNode, value: 42,
                  left: Tree(kind: tkNode, value: 0,
                             left: Tree(kind: tkEmpty),
                             right: Tree(kind: tkEmpty)),
                  right: Tree(kind: tkEmpty))


In OCaml, an ADT may be defined with:[26]

type tree =
  | Empty
  | Node of int * tree * tree

And instantiated as:

let my_tree = Node (42, Node (0, Empty, Empty), Empty)


In Opa, an ADT may be defined with:[27]

type tree =
  { empty } or
  { node, int value, tree left, tree right }

And instantiated as:

my_tree = {
  value: 42,
  left: {
    value: 0,
    left: { empty },
    right: { empty }
  right: { empty }


In OpenCog, an ADT may be defined with:[28]


In PureScript, an ADT may be defined with:[29]

data Tree
  = Empty
  | Node Int Tree Tree

And instantiated as:

myTree = Node 42 (Node 0 Empty Empty) Empty


In Python, an ADT may be defined with:[30][31]

from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Empty:

class Node:
    value: int
    left: Tree
    right: Tree

Tree = Empty | Node

And instantiated as:

my_tree = Node(42, Node(0, Empty(), Empty()), Empty())


In Typed Racket, an ADT may be defined with:[32]

(struct Empty ())
(struct Node ([value : Integer] [left : Tree] [right : Tree]))
(define-type Tree (U Empty Node))

And instantiated as:

(define my-tree (Node 42 (Node 0 (Empty) (Empty)) (Empty)))



In Reason, an ADT may be defined with:[33]

type Tree =
  | Empty
  | Node(int, Tree, Tree);

And instantiated as:

let myTree = Node(42, Node(0, Empty, Empty), Empty);


In ReScript, an ADT may be defined with:[34]

type rec Tree =
  | Empty
  | Node(int, Tree, Tree)

And instantiated as:

let myTree = Node(42, Node(0, Empty, Empty), Empty)


In Rust, an ADT may be defined with:[35]

enum Tree {
    Node(i32, Box<Tree>, Box<Tree>),

And instantiated as:

let my_tree = Tree::Node(
    Box::new(Tree::Node(0, Box::new(Tree::Empty), Box::new(Tree::Empty)),


Scala 2

In Scala 2, an ADT may be defined with:[citation needed]

sealed abstract class Tree extends Product with Serializable

object Tree {
  final case object Empty extends Tree
  final case class Node(value: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree)
      extends Tree

And instantiated as:

val myTree = Tree.Node(
  Tree.Node(0, Tree.Empty, Tree.Empty),

Scala 3

In Scala 3, an ADT may be defined with:[36]

enum Tree:
  case Empty
  case Node(value: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree)

And instantiated as:

val myTree = Tree.Node(
  Tree.Node(0, Tree.Empty, Tree.Empty),

Standard ML

In Standard ML, an ADT may be defined with:[37]

datatype tree =
  | NODE of int * tree * tree

And instantiated as:

val myTree = NODE (42, NODE (0, EMPTY, EMPTY), EMPTY)


In Swift, an ADT may be defined with:[38]

enum Tree {
    case empty
    indirect case node(Int, Tree, Tree)

And instantiated as:

let myTree: Tree = .node(42, .node(0, .empty, .empty), .empty)


In TypeScript, an ADT may be defined with:[39]

type Tree =
  | { kind: "empty" }
  | { kind: "node"; value: number; left: Tree; right: Tree };

And instantiated as:

const myTree: Tree = {
  kind: "node",
  value: 42,
  left: {
    kind: "node",
    value: 0,
    left: { kind: "empty" },
    right: { kind: "empty" },
  right: { kind: "empty" },

Visual Prolog

In Visual Prolog, an ADT may be defined with:[40]

    tree = empty; node(integer, tree, tree).

And instantiated as:

    my_tree : tree = node(42, node(0, empty, empty), empty).


In Zig, an ADT may be defined with:[41]

const Tree = union(enum) {
    node: struct {
        value: i32,
        left: *const Tree,
        right: *const Tree,

And instantiated as:

const my_tree: Tree = .{ .node = .{
    .value = 42,
    .left = &.{ .node = .{
        .value = 0,
        .left = &.empty,
        .right = &.empty,
    } },
    .right = &.empty,
} };


  1. ^ "Recursively Defined Datatypes".
  2. ^ "Example: Binary Search Tree".
  3. ^ "Dataviewtypes as Linear Datatypes".
  4. ^ "Eclipse Ceylon: Union, intersection, and enumerated types". Archived from the original on 2022-12-26. Retrieved 2021-11-29.
  5. ^ "Clean 2.2 Ref Man". Retrieved 2021-11-29.
  6. ^ "Inductive types and recursive functions — Coq 8.14.1 documentation". Retrieved 2021-11-30.
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  9. ^ "Custom Types · An Introduction to Elm". Retrieved 2021-11-29.
  10. ^ cartermp. "Discriminated Unions - F#". Retrieved 2021-11-29.
  11. ^ "Inductive types and pattern matching — Proof-Oriented Programming in F* documentation". Retrieved 2021-12-06.
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  20. ^ "Sealed classes | Kotlin". Kotlin Help. Retrieved 2021-11-29.
  21. ^ Stanley-Marbell, Phillip (2003). Inferno Programming with Limbo. Wiley. pp. 67–71. ISBN 978-0470843529.
  22. ^ "The Mercury Language Reference Manual: Discriminated unions". Retrieved 2021-12-07.
  23. ^ "An Overview of Miranda". Archived from the original on 2021-12-04. Retrieved 2021-12-04.
  24. ^ "Basic Variants · rsdn/nemerle Wiki". GitHub. Retrieved 2021-12-03.
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