The Communist Party of the Galician People (Galician: Partido Comunista do Pobo Galego, PCPG) is a Galician political organization with a communist and independentist ideology founded in 1984.
Since 2014 the party has become closer to the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG). In the European elections of 2014 the party called to vote for The Peoples Decide (a coalition of the BNG and various independentist parties from the rest of Spain).[6][7] In the 2015 local elections the PCPG called to vote the BNG candidatures. Various PCPG members joined some lists of the BNG.[8]
In the general elections of 2015 the party joined Us-Galician Candidacy, a coalition led by the Galician Nationalist Bloc, that got the 4.32% of the vote. In the same elections the general secretary of the party run as a candidate for the Spanish senate in the Province of Pontevedra, getting 31,375 votes (2.08% of the total), failing to win a seat.