Comedy Central (Swedish: Comedy Central Sverige) was a Swedish television channel owned by Paramount Networks EMEAA. Viacom International Media Networks have said that the channel will feature both original Swedish productions made for the channel and imported content.[1]
The channel applied for license to broadcast in the terrestrial network in Sweden in February 2008 and on March 27, 2008 they were granted a license to broadcast nationally between 7 p.m. and 3 a.m. (initially timesharing with Nickelodeon) from January 1, 2009.[2][3]
On October 5, 2010, The Daily Show premiered on Comedy Central in Sweden, having previously been broadcast on Canal+ and Kanal 9.[6] The show is broadcast at 7 p.m. Swedish time, only 14 hours after its original U.S. broadcast, and then repeated at 11.05 p.m. This is unusually fast as American talk shows are normally shown with a one-week delay in Sweden.
After almost 5 years of timesharing with Nickelodeon, Comedy Central got a separate channel in November 1, 2013.[7]
The channel ceased broadcating on January 15, 2019, being replaced by Paramount Network.[8][9]