Insurgentes San Borja is a residential neighborhood. Most of its buildings are two-level houses dating back to the 1940s and 1950s, including some important examples of California colonial architecture, which can be also seen in surrounding colonias such as Colonia Nápoles and Colonia del Valle.
In recent years, nevertheless, a few houses have been demolished, being replaced with apartment buildings; despite this, the neighborhood still keeps its traditional architectural style and vibe.
The colonia is sometimes mistaken as being part of Colonia del Valle, due to the fact of Insurgentes San Borja being surrounded on the north, east and south by Colonia del Valle.
Before that, the area that is now Colonia Insurgentes San Borja was part of an 18th-century hacienda called Hacienda de San Borja.[5]
Colonia Insurgentes San Borja is home to a private university: Universidad Humanitas Del Valle Campus, despite the fact that, as mentioned before, it is located in Insurgentes San Borja, which itself is not part of Colonia del Valle.