The story begins with two government agents, Matthew Johnson and Melvin Johnson, being captured by the "Dragon Lady" (Stella Stevens). Cleopatra Jones then travels to Hong Kong to rescue the agents. Jones pairs up with Mi Lin-fong (Ni Tien [zh]) and ends up in the Dragon Lady's casino, which, in actuality, is the headquarters for her underground drug empire. Jones and Mi use their combat skills to battle the Dragon Lady's henchmen and rescue the agents.[3]
Max Julien, author of the source story for and a co-producer of the film's predecessor Cleopatra Jones, refused to participate in the production, and instead got token credit for the story and script having been "based on characters created by" him.
The film was not as well received as its predecessor Cleopatra Jones, mainly due to the decline in the popularity of the blaxploitation genre.[4]
The film was released on DVD by Warner Brothers as part of its Warner Archive Collection in 2010.