Classification of organic minerals
List of IMA recognized minerals and groupings
Some organic compounds are valid minerals, recognized by the CNMNC (IMA ).
Nickel–Strunz classification −10- Organic compounds
"*" – discredited (IMA/CNMNC status).
"?" – questionable/doubtful (IMA/CNMNC status).
Nickel–Strunz code scheme: NN.XY.##x
NN: Nickel–Strunz mineral class number
X: Nickel–Strunz mineral division letter
Y: Nickel–Strunz mineral family letter
##x: Nickel–Strunz mineral/group number, x add-on letter
Class: organic compounds
10.A Salts of organic acids
10.AA Formates, Acetates, etc.: 05 formicaite , 10 dashkovaite , 20 acetamide , 25 calclacite , 30 paceite , 35 hoganite
10.AB Oxalates: 05 humboldtine , 05 lindbergite ; 10 glushinskite , 15 moolooite , 20 stepanovite , 25 minguzzite , 30 wheatleyite , 35 zhemchuzhnikovite , 40 weddellite , 45 whewellite , 50 caoxite , 55 oxammite , 60 natroxalate , 65 coskrenite-(Ce) , 70 levinsonite-(Y) , 75 zugshunstite-(Ce) , 80 novgorodovaite
10.AC Benzene Salts: 05 mellite , 10 earlandite , 15 pigotite ?
10.AD Cyanates: 05 julienite *, 10 kafehydrocyanite *
10.B Hydrocarbons
10.C Miscellaneous organic minerals
"Special cases" ("native elements and organic minerals") "Sulfides and oxides"
Sulfides (IDs 2.A–F)
Sulfosalts ; sulfarsenites, sulfantimonites, sulfbismuthites (IDs 2.G)
Sulfosalts; sulfarsenates, sulfantimonates (IDs 2.K)
Other sulfosalts (IDs 2.H–J and 2.L–M)
Tellurium oxysalts
Vanadium oxides (IDs 4.H)
"Evaporites and similars" "Mineral structures with tetrahedral units" (sulfate anion, phosphate anion, silicon, etc.)
Monomeric minerals (similar to nesosilicates)
Sulfates (VI) (IDs 7.A–E)
Thiosulphates (IDs 7.J)
Silicate frameworks, tectosilicates
Other tectosilicates (IDs 9.FA. and 9.FB.15, e.g. feldspars )
Other silicate frameworks
Ribbon or multiple chain inosilicates (IDs 9.D, e.g. amphiboles )
Other non monomeric minerals
Unclassified silicates (IDs 9.H)