Unlike the latter, the civitates foederatae were individually bound to Rome by formal treaty (foedus). Although they remained formally independent, the civitates foederatae in effect surrendered their foreign relation to Rome, to which they were bound by perpetual alliance.[3] Nevertheless, the citizens of these cities enjoyed certain rights under Roman law, like the commercium and the conubium.[4] In the Greek East, many of the Greek city-states (poleis) were formally liberated and granted some form of formal guarantee of their autonomy. As they had a long history and tradition of their own, most of these communities were content with this status, unlike in the Latin West, where, with their progressive Romanization, many communities sought a gradual advancement to the status of a municipium or even a colonia.[1]
Eilers, Claude (2010). "Local Government, Roman". In Gagarin, Michael (ed.). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. Oxford University Press. pp. 273–275. ISBN9780195170726.
Mousourakis, George (2007). A Legal History of Rome. Routledge. ISBN9780415408936.