The principle was stated by Deutsch in 1985 with respect to finitary machines and processes. He observed that classical physics, which makes use of the concept of real numbers, cannot be simulated by a Turing machine, which can only represent computable reals. Deutsch proposed that quantum computers may actually obey the CTD principle, assuming that the laws of quantum physics can completely describe every physical process.
An earlier version of this thesis for classical computers was stated by Alan Turing's friend and student Robin Gandy in 1980.[2][3]
"All 'reasonable' computational models which add the resources of quantum mechanics (or quantum field theory) to classical computation yield (efficiently)
inter-simulable classes: there is one quantum theory of computation."
This thesis differs from the Church-Turing-Deutsch thesis insofar as it is a statement about computational complexity, and not computability.
Christopher G. Timpson Quantum Computers: the Church-Turing Hypothesis Versus the Turing Principle in Christof Teuscher, Douglas Hofstadter (eds.) Alan Turing: life and legacy of a great thinker, Springer, 2004, ISBN3-540-20020-7, pp. 213–240