Chrysopilus asiliformis var. asiliformis (Preyssler, 1791)
Chrysopilus asiliformis var. meridiomalis Bezzi, 1898
This widespread species is present in most of Europe.[6]
This species inhabits various environments, as scrubs, woodland edges, wetlands and gardens.[7]
The adults grow up to 6–9 millimetres (0.24–0.35 in) long. This fragile-looking fly shows a slender body. Head, thorax and abdomen are grey dusted, with dark stripes on the abdomen, without bristles The legs are rather long and thin, with brownish-yellow femora. The wings are hyaline with a dark well marked pterostigma. Eyes are greenish.[8]
Adults can be encountered from May through September. The larvae probably develop in soil.[7]
Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2003 onwards. British insects: the families of Diptera. Version: 16 December 2010
^ abPreyssler, J.D.E. (1791). Beschreibungen und Abbildungen derjenigen Insekten, welche in Sammlungen nicht aufzubewahren sind, dann aller, die noch ganz neu, und solcher, von denen wir noch keine oder doch sehr schlechte Abbildung besitzen. Vol. 1. Dresden: Mayer, Samml. Naturh. Physikal. Aufsatze. pp. 55–151, 3 pls.
^ abMeigen, J.W. (1804). Klassifikazion und Beschreibung der europäische n zweiflugeligen Insekten (Diptera Linn.). Erster Band. Abt. I. Braunschweig [= Brunswick]: Reichard. pp. xxviii + pp. 1–152, Abt. II. vi + pp. 153–314.