2014: recognition - Daylight-Award for school building Leutschenbach Zurich
2015: Holcim Awards Europe 2014, Honorable Mention to energy-efficient office building in Holderbank, Switzerland
Gerold Wiederin, Helmut Federle: Nachtwallfahrtskapelle Locherboden. Publ. by Kunsthaus Bregenz with Edelbert Köb, text by Johannes Gachnang, photo-essay by Christian Kerez, Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN3-7757-0736-0
Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Morger Degelo Kerez Architects, texts by Hans Frei, Friedemann Malsch, Norbert Jansen, photo-essay by Thomas Flechtner. Lars Müller Publishers, Baden 2000, ISBN978-3-907078-25-9
Valerio Olgiati, Das Gelbe Haus, Kunsthaus Bregenz, archiv kunst architektur, Werkdokumente 19, 2000, Hatje Cantz Verlag, ISBN 3-7757-1004-3, 82 pages
Les échelles de la réalité. L’architecture de Christian Kerez. Exhibition catalogue. Texts by Martin Steinmann and Christian Kerez, EPFL, Lausanne 2006
Conflicts Politics Construction Privacy Obsession. Materials on the Work of Christian Kerez. Texts by Hubertus Adam, Marcel Andino, Hans Frei, Tibor Joanelly. Moritz Küng (ed.) and deSingel international arts campus, Antwerp and Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2008, ISBN978-3-7757-2280-3
El Croquis 145: Christian Kerez 2000-2009. Fundamentos arquitectonicos, basics on architecture. Texts by Georg Frank, Hans Frei and Christian Kerez, El Croquis, Madrid 2009, ISBN978-84-88386-54-0
Christian Kerez: Uncertain Certainty, Publ.: Toto, Tokyo 2013, ISBN978-4-88706-334-1