Chris Harris on Cars is a British-American motoring television series, presented by Chris Harris, and broadcast by BBC America from July 11, 2016. It is a spinoff show to Top Gear, and is also a television rebooted series of YouTube motoring series Chris Harris on Cars.[1] The series concluded on August 22, 2016 and was replaced by Top Gear America in 2017.[2]
In July 2016, it was announced that Top Gear presenter Chris Harris would be broadcast on BBC America, starting on July 11, 2016.[3] The show features the same title as Harris' YouTube channel.[1] BBC America have also used the same title card from the Chris Harris on Cars YouTube channel.[3][1]
In September 2016, Harris announced that the show had gone on hiatus, in order for him to concentrate on filming Top Gear.[4] The show has been cancelled due to the announcement of Top Gear America.[2]
Chris Harris on Cars is competing against Harris' other new show Chris Harris Drives, which airs on the official Top Gear website.[21] He has since "said goodbye" to his Chris Harris on Cars YouTube channel, as he is "really busy" with his new shows.[22]