Set in a multicultural neighborhood of Madrid, the plot follows struggling bit-part actor and impersonator Justo Santos, who is offered a lead role by film director Aitor, with the latter promptly dying from drug overdose, seemingly thwarting Justo and Justo's family (brother Berto, wife Iris, and mother Katy) yearnings to solve their dire economic hardships.[1][2][3]
The film screened at the 15th L'Alfàs del Pi Film Festival in July 2003.[6] Distributed by Warner Sogefilms,[1] it was released theatrically in Spain on 22 August 2003.[2] It opened to a so-so €222,000 opening weekend gross at the domestic box office, but good word-of-mouth took it to €1.1 million after four weeks.[3]
Jonathan Holland of Variety considered that the helmers' disposable work in earlier films "settles down into something like maturity without losing its contempo edge, and first-rate performances discover unsuspected depths in the derivative, over-the-top plotline about people frantically trying to improve their lot".[1]
Jennifer Green of ScreenDaily deemed to film to be a "a sharp yet ultimately gentle comedy".[3]