In August 1914, she became a high school teacher and worked at the Augusta School in Berlin. From 1922 she worked at a municipal college in Berlin. On 1 September 1933, she was forced to retire early due to implementation of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service under the Nazi regime in Germany.
Personal life
Charlotte Fränkel was the daughter of the classical philologist Max Fränkel and sister of Hermann Fränkel. In 1915, she married fellow archaeologist Georg Loeschcke.
Fränkel, C. 1912. "Korinthische Posse", in Rheinisches Museum no 67, 94–106.
This article is based on a translation of an equivalent article at the German Wikipedia; whose references include:
Irma Wehgartner: Spurensuche. Frauen in der Klassischen Archäologie vor dem 1. Weltkrieg. In: Julia K. Koch, Eva-Maria Mertens (Hrsg.): Eine Dame zwischen 500 Herren. Johanna Mestorf – Werk und Wirkung. Waxmann, Münster u. a. 2002, ISBN3-8309-1066-5, (Frauen – Forschung – Archäologie 4), S. 267–279.
William M. Calder III, Bernhard Huss (Hrsg.): „Sed serviendum officio ...“ The Correspondence between Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff und Eduard Norden (1892–1931). Weidmann, Hildesheim 1997, ISBN3-615-00188-5, S. 133–135, 286.