Charge of the Model T's is a 1977 American comedy spy film directed by Jim McCullough Sr. with the screenplay by Jim McCullough Jr. based upon the novel of the same name by Lee Somerville. Starring John David Carson, Carol Bagdasarian, Louis Nye, Herb Edelman, and Arte Johnson.
The film had both theatrical and television airings and, paired with The Switch, was released on DVD by VCI Entertainment on March 13, 2007.[5]
During World War I, the Germans try to disrupt American war efforts by encouraging Mexican guerrillas to destabilize the Texas border with Mexico. Masterminding the German plot is spy Friedrich Schmidt. As the border become disrupted, Friedrich drives into the United States at the wheel of the high-speed secret weapon: the "RX4", a Ford Model T equipped with armor and weaponry and tricked out with a powerful motor. US Army Lieutenant Matthew Jones pursues Schmidt with a fleet of special trackers.