The Chalk Hills host an expansive, low-density, semi-urban suburb of the San Fernando Valley.
Los Angeles Pierce College is located on the northern portion of the Chalk Hills. Historically the free-flowing Los Angeles River ran around that portion. U.S. Route 101, the Ventura Freeway, cuts deeply through the southern part since the 1960s.
The range has a white soil and bedrock, resembling chalk, and was a 'white landform' Valley landmark before suburban development on it in the 1960s. The white rocks are marine shales. Geologists are unsure of its relationship with other rock formations in Southern California, although Thomas Dibblee has identified it as a member of the Sisquoc Formation.[2] A small remnant California oak woodlandplant community remains in an undeveloped southeastern area of the Pierce campus.
^Dibblee, T.W., and Ehrenspeck, H.E., ed., 1992, Geologic map of the Topanga and Canoga Park (south 1/2) quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California: Dibblee Geological Foundation, Dibblee Foundation Map DF-35, scale 1:24,000