The film was also the third collaboration between Shakib Khan and Joydeep Mukherjee pair after huge success of the films Shikari and Nabab and the third collaboration between Shakib Khan and Eskay Movies, second time pairing with Shakib-Subhashree and director Joydeep Mukherjee with Subhashree Ganguly after successful Nabab.[11]
Raja (Shakib Khan) is a money minded youth who goes to the UK to earn big bucks. One fine day, he comes across Srijata (Subhashree Ganguly) who ditches her family for her long time boyfriend. As time passes by, Srijata gets cheated on by her boyfriend big time and is left stranded in London. Twist in the tale arises when Srijata requests Raja to come along with her to Kolkata and clear the chaos which was created by her elopement. What will Raja do now ? That forms the rest of the story.
Sagnik Chatterjee as Bikram, Priya's brother; who went to keep his father's word, became desperate to marry his sister to Raja
Joydip Mukherjee as Rajshekhar Dutt, Vinay's father and competition organiser; Later he came to India from UK to marry his son to Sunita, the youngest daughter of the Mallick family.
The soundtrack of Chalbaaz is composed by Savvy, while lyrics of the film songs are penned by Priyo Chattopadhyay. The first song from the movie, the title song "Chalbaaz", is sung by Shadaab Hashmi. The Title song "Chalbaaz" was released as a promotional single on 8 March 2018.[14] the Video Song "Aish Kori" was released on YouTube on 15 March 2018 and was well received by Critics and Audiences.[15] The Third Video Song "Projapoti Mon" was released on YouTube on 23 March 2018 and Tor Premer Brishtite sung by Armaan Malik and Madhubanti Bagchi Released on 29 March 2018.