"Ave de Paso" (short story appearing in the following anthologies: Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction, ed. Al Sarrantonio, (2001); Fantasy: The Best of 2001, ed. Robert Silverberg and Karen Haber, (2002); Aurora in Four Voices, ed. Steven Silver (2011))
"Soul of Light" (short story appearing in the following anthologies: Sextopia, ed. Cecilia Tan (2001); Erotic Fantastic: The Best of Circlet Press, 1992–2002, ed. Cecilia Tan (2003)
"The Edges of Never-Haven" (short story appearing in anthology Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy, ed. Al Sarrantonio) (2004)
The City of Cries (novella appearing in Down These Dark Spaceways, ed. Mike Resnick) (2005)
"The Shadowed Heart" (novelette appearing in anthology The Journey Home, ed. Mary Kirk (2005), and Best New Paranormal Romance, ed. Paula Guran, (2006))
The Spacetime Pool (novella appearing in Analog 2008; also appeared in the anthology The Spacetime Pool in 2012; see below). Takes place in an alternate universe that also includes the Skolian saga.
Diamond Star (2009)
Carnelians (2011)
Aurora in Four Voices (anthology, ed. Steven Silver) (2011). Includes "Aurora in Four Voices", "Ave de Paso", "The Spacetime Pool", "Light and Shadow", The City of Cries, "A Poetry of Angles and Dreams" (essay on how Asaro uses math in her fiction), Introduction by Kate Dolan, and Afterword by Aly Parsons.
The City of Cries, eBook, (2012)
The Spacetime Pool eBook (2012). Includes "The Spacetime Pool", "Light and Shadow," and the math essay "A Poetry of Angles and Dreams"
"The Pyre of New Day" (novelette appearing in anthology The Mammoth Book of SF Wars, ed. Ian Watson and Ian Whates) (2012)
"Echoes of Pride" (appearing in Galaxy's Edge magazine) (Issue 5, November 2013)
Lightning Strike, Book I, 2014, an expanded version of the first half of Catch the Lightning
"The Wages of Honor" (novelette appearing in anthology Infinite Stars, ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt) (2017)
Lightning Strike, Book II, 2020, an expanded version of the second half of Catch the Lightning
Reading order by internal chronology
Note: the name(s) between the parentheses denotes the main character.
"Boot Hill" short story written with Mike Resnick (Civil War Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, (2000) and With a Little Help from My Friends: Stories by Hugo and Nebula Winner Mike Resnick in Collaboration with . . . ed. Mike Resnick (2002))
The Phoenix Code rewritten eBook version (2013)
"Corn Fed Blues," with Kate Dolan (Deco Punk: The Spirit of an Age, ed. Judith K. Dial and Thomas A. Easton) (2015)
Mindsparks the Magazine of Science and Science Fiction, Editor and founder, Catherine Asaro, 1993–1996
"Photoionization of Molecular Oxygen", P.W. Langoff, A. Gerwer, C. Asaro, and B.V. McKoy, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry Symposium 13, 645 (1979). (Conference proceedings for 1980 JCP article.)
"Photoexcitation and Ionization in Molecular Oxygen: Theoretical Studies of Electronic Transitions in the Discrete and Continuous Spectral Intervals", A. Gerwer, C. Asaro, B.V. McKoy, and P.W. Langhoff, Journal of Chemical Physics 72, pp. 713–727 (1980)
"Stieltjes-Imaging Calculations of Photodissociation", C. Asaro and A. Dalgarno, Journal of Chemical Physics 78, pp. 200–205 (1983)
"Bound Vibrational Levels of the Two Lowest 1Σ+ States of LiF", Catherine Asaro and A. Dalgarno, Chemical Physics Letters118:1 pp. 64–66 (1985)
"Polarization Control of Branching Ratios in Photodissociation", Catherine Asaro, Paul Brumer, and Moshe Shapiro, Physical Review Letters 60(16) pp. 1634–? (18 April 1988)
"Complex speeds and special relativity", Catherine Asaro, American Journal of Physics, 64:4 pp. 421–429 (April 1996)
"Special relativity and complex speeds", Catherine Asaro, NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Workshop, August 1997
^"Catherine Asaro". Fantasticfiction.co.uk. Retrieved December 17, 2015.
^A chronology and family tree appears in the back of most Skolian Empire books.