The history of Carate Brianza dates back to the Stone Age, as shown by a discovery made of carved rocks that are now preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Milan.
The Lombard Queen Theodolinda built in this town a tower, which later was turned into the bell tower for the main church. After the 10th century, a wall was built around the town to protect it from barbarian attacks. The Middle Ages was characterized by the spreading of the Christianity, with the construction of five churches and a hospital.
Villa Cusani Confalonieri – originally the site of a medieval castle; the present shape was acquired over the 18th and 19th century. It now houses the town library and scenic park, open to the public.
Villa La Rovella – Neoclassical villa and oratory in the frazione of Agliate
Sant'Ambrogio e Simpliciano – 19th-century parish church in town center, near the 18th-century statue of Sant'Anatalone, which has been restored recently