She is one of the founding members of Çerkezköy's CUMOK society, which is one of the most well known Kemalist societies in Turkey formed by readers of the newspaper Cumhuriyet. She also served on the executive board of CUMOK nationally. She was a member and the President of Çerkezköy's Atatürkist Thought Association and was also a member of the Women's 'Arm in Arm' Association (Kadınlar El Ele Derneği) and the Medical Chamber.[1]
She is married with two children and can speak English at a semi-fluent level.[2]
Political career
Yüceer was elected as a CHP Member of Parliament for the electoral district of Tekirdağ in the 2011 general election. She was later elected to the CHP Party Council and was re-elected as an MP in the June 2015 general election. As an MP, she gave her support for workers' rights and industrial action, meeting with 1,871 workers who had gone on strike in a polymer factory in Çerkezköy to extend her support on 19 June 2015.[3]