The district once known as North Kolan (or Kolan North) spans Bucca and neighbouring Moorland to the north.[6][7]
The land is used for cropping, particularly sugarcane on the river flats, and grazing on native vegetation.[4]
Kolan takes its name from the pastoral run which in turn takes its name from the Kabi language, kalang meaning good.[3]
In 1887, 69,300 acres (28,000 ha) of land were resumed from the Kolan pastoral run. The land was offered for selection for the establishment of small farms on 17 April 1887.[8]
The Invicta Sugar Mill was originally located in Bucca near the Kolan River. In 1919, it was relocated to Giru in the Shire of Burdekin where it continues to operate under the same name.[12][13][14]
On 29 November 1992, a violent tornado damaged and destroyed multiple homes, with some being flattened to the ground. While this tornado is officially rated F4 on the Fujita scale, Jeff Callaghan, a retired senior severe weather forecaster at the Bureau of Meteorology said “the Bucca tornado was rated a F4 or possibly an F5.”[15] Although the most violent Australian tornado with an official rating, the tornado did not kill or seriously injure anyone.[16]
In the 2016 census, Bucca had a population of 1,027 people.[17]
In the 2021 census, Bucca had a population of 1,063 people.[1]