Brian G. Slocum is an American author and professor of law with recognized expertise in jurisprudence, statutory interpretation, legal linguistics, and administrative law.[1] Professor Brian Bix of the University of Minnesota described him as 'one of the most important scholars working at the intersection of legal interpretation and the philosophy of language'.[2] Slocum's scholarship has examined and criticized the 'ordinary meaning doctrine' and how it has been used by courts to interpret language. He has won numerous awards and his publications are printed in other languages, including Chinese.[3]
Slocum has earned a bachelor's degree in accounting from Pacific Union College, a juris doctor degree from Harvard Law School, and a master's degree and Ph.D. in linguistics from UC Davis.
Slocum was named one of the ten most cited Legislation (including statutory interpretation & legislative process) law faculty in the United States between the years 2019-2023.[4]
Current Interests
Slocum is currently working in the field of experimental jurisprudence, doing empirical research on how ordinary people understand the language of rules. His latest paper questions legal perspectives that claim normative values are irrelevant in determining the linguistic meaning of statutory rules.[5]