The story unfolds with D-Day less than 72 hours away. Jefferson Pike, portrayed by Corbin Bernsen, is a top US intelligence officer who is captured by the enemy. Pike is one of the few officers who knows where the Allies will strike, and the Nazis, aware that he will not succumb to torture, devise an elaborate scheme to deceive him. They set up a scenario in a US hospital in Germany, making Pike believe that the war is over and he is recovering from memory loss. His doctor (John Glover) and nurse (Joanna Pacula) are part of an elite Nazi psychological team tasked with convincing Pike to reveal top-secret information. As the narrative progresses, the pressure mounts for Pike to reach his "breaking point" as the captors intensify their efforts to extract the critical information.
This plot explores themes of deception, war, and psychological manipulation, highlighting the lengths to which adversaries may go during wartime to gain strategic advantages.[4]