"Brave Shine" is the eighth single by Japanese singer Aimer, released on June 3, 2015 under Defstar Records. Written by Aimer (under her pen name "aimerrhythm") and Hisashi Koyama, the song was used as the second openingtheme of the anime TV series Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works.[1][2][3] Originally, the series' second opening theme was intended to be "Last Stardust", composed also by Aimer. However, the staff did not find it fitting for the video's sequences and instead used "Brave Shine".[4]
The music video takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, where a couple roams across the desert as a dark spirit follows them. As the man carries the woman up a volcano, they confront the entity and reach the summit and embrace as the volcano erupts.