The cartoon centers around Boo Boo, who encounters with the group of mean teenage bear bullies.
The cartoon starts where Boo Boo is happily skipping along in the forest of Jellystone Park, until he comes across the teenage cub bullies, who asks him about who is a "big brown man" with him. Boo Boo replies that the "big brown man" is his best friend Yogi.
As the bullies are having fun picking on Boo Boo with mean things (such as shaving his fur off of his tail, rubbing his tail into pink, and putting a bee inside his ear), Ranger Smith stops them, which causes the bullies to flee away, leaving Boo Boo injured. Ranger Smith helps poor Boo Boo up and Boo Boo asks the ranger about those bullies he met, wondering why they have to act mean to little bears. Smith then answers to Boo Boo that it's rough for the fact that the forest is rough on little fellows like him and tells him that he has to "bear" with the facts, right before Yogi shows up riding a bicycle and asks Boo Boo if he want to tag along with him for some picnic goodies. After the two bears leave, Ranger Smith breaks the fourth wall by telling the audience about although he still has his likes of Boo Boo since he is surely a nice bear, he just doesn't know what he sees in that..... man. The tree burps in his face before the cartoon cuts to black.