Lieutenant Colonel Boniface Guwa Chidyausiku (born 1950 in Goromonzi District) is a Zimbabwean diplomat who served as Zimbabwe's Ambassador to Russia from 2011 to 2015.[1] Chidyausiku participated in the Zimbabwe Liberation War as a member of ZANLA from 1975 to 1980, which led to the attainment of National Independence and multiracial democracy. He was attested and commissioned with the rank of Lt Colonel in the Zimbabwe National Army. He went back to college in 1982 and obtained a BA History [Honours] Degree, and a Master of Science Degree in International Relations from the University of Zimbabwe.
Diplomatic and public service career timeline
Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2011–2015) at the Embassy of Zimbabwe, Moscow
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York (2003 to 2010)
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and World Trade Organization (1999 to 2002)
2001 Member of the Selection Committee on the Appointment of Members of the Appellate Body of the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO
2001 Chairman of the Trips Council of the WTO
2001-2002 Coordinator of the African Group in the WTO, Geneve, Switzerland
2001 President of the Commission on Trade in Goods and Services and Commodities, 59th Session of UNCTAD
2000 Head of Zimbabwe Delegation to UNCTAD 10, Bangkok, Thailand
1999 Delegate to the WTO Ministerial Conference in Seattle, US
A Reconciliation Process as a Component of Conflict Resolution in Zimbabwe in Issues Third World Conflict Resolution. Ed by Gordon Lindgren, Peter Wallenstein, and Kjell-ake Mordquist. 1990
Effective Participation of Developing Countries in the World Trade Organization [WTO] Process: Published by Third World Network. 2001
African Prospects on Par 6 of the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, 2003
Plant Variety Protection and Life Patents on Life Forms 9 Article 27.3b of the TRIPS Agreement: The Review Process and Developments at the National and Regional Level. in Trading in Knowledge Ed by Christphe Bellmaun, Graham Dutfield, and Ricardo Melendez Ortiz, 2003