Shamyo is a carefree man who lives an extravagant life with his two best friends Bangal and Totlu. Due to his activities, he is disowned by his grandfather and forced to leave his home. The story follows the misadventures of Shamyo after leaving his house. Problems arrived when he took selfies with an unknown girl, Uma, and sent them to his best friends through their WhatsApp group on a train journey. As his best friends posted the selfie on Facebook, Uma's family members misunderstood that Shamyo was the guy with whom Uma eloped. Gobor Pal, Uma's father threatened Shamyo that if he can't return Uma home then he would be killed. After many misadventures, Shamyo and his two friends returned Uma to her home while Shamyo pretending to be "Niloy", the guy with whom Uma had eloped. Gobor's four brothers became angry with Shamyo. But Uma's grandmother accepted Shamyo as her grandson-in-law. Unhappy with her decision, the five brothers planned to take revenge on Shamyo. After winning the 'dhunuchi nach' competition, Uma's family accepted Shamyo and arranged for their wedding. But Shamyo complicated the situation by returning to his grandfather without telling anyone of Uma's family. On the other hand, Uma learned that she was adopted by her family and so left the house. But Shamyo returned her to her family. Shamyo's grandfather saw the change in his grandson and accepted the wedding of Shamyo and Uma.
"Hote Paare Na" was programmed by Prasad Shashte and Suvam Moitra; guitar performed by Ankur Mukherjee and Suvam Moitra; pre-mixed by Suvam Moitra; mix and master by Eric Pillai
"Dugga Ma" was mixed and mastered by Eric Pillai
"Tomar Dyakha Naai" was programmed by Hyacinth D'souza and Soumo - Subho; mixed and mastered by Shadab Rayeen
"Lukochuri" was programmed by Sourav Roy, mixed and mastered by Suvam Moitra, with an African chorus by Mustapha Mensa, guitar by Banjo Dotara, ukulele by Ankur Mukherjee and cajon by Deepesh and Onkar
Bolo Dugga Maiki was released by SVF Entertainment in India alongside the holiday of Puja.[3] The film was released alongside other high-profile films releasing for the Puja holiday, such as Yeti Obhijaan and Cockpit. In response to this, actor Ankush Hazra said "So many films with good content are being released this Puja. I think people will find it the perfect time to watch Bengali movies as this is the time to go back to their roots and be proud of 'Bangaliana' (Bengaliness)."[5]
It was announced in November that Bangladeshi film company Jaaz Multimedia would release the film in Bangladesh on 17 November 2017, after a deal was made with SVF Entertainment.[6][7] The deal made between Jaaz Multimedia and SVF Entertainment was made under the South Asia Free Trade Area agreement (SAFTA).[8]
Critical reception
Srijoy Mukherjee of The Times of India wrote in his review that the film had a promising start, but eventually becomes just a generic comedy. Noting the film's direction, vision, usage of product placements and lack of usage of the Puja theme and Nusrat Jahan's character, the film was let down by an average script. However, the review the performances of the two lead actors, especially Ankush Hazra, noting his expressions, comic timing and body language and lauding his ability as a comic actor.[1]