Blood Warrior, known in Japan as Ooedo Fight (大江戸ファイト, Ooedo Faito), is a 1994fightingarcade game developed by Atop and published by Kaneko. It is the successor to the 1992 fighting arcade game, Shogun Warriors, also developed by Atop and published by Kaneko. Unlike Shogun Warriors, Blood Warrior uses digitized images of real actors within the game instead of traditionally drawn sprites, and its addition of blood and gore draws similarities to Midway's Mortal Kombat franchise.
There are nine playable characters. Like its predecessor, the Japanese version contains original voice samples, while the North American and Worldwide versions were dubbed in English for some characters.
Kinshirō (金四郎) - based on Samurai from Shogun Warriors.
Arashi (嵐 ("storm")) - based on Ninja from Shogun Warriors.
In Japan, Game Machine listed Blood Warrior on their September 1, 1994 issue as being the seventeenth most-successful table arcade unit of the month.[2]