In 2011, the BioRuby project introduced the Biogem software plugin system,[4] with two or three new plugins added every month.
BioRuby is managed via the BioRuby website and GitHub repository.[5][6]
The BioRuby project was first started in 2000 by Toshiaki Katayama as a Ruby implementation of similar bioinformatics packages such as BioPerl and BioPython. The initial release of version 0.1 was frequently updated by contributors both informally and at organised “hackathon” events; in June 2005, BioRuby was funded by IPA as an Exploratory Software Project,[7] culminating with the release of version 1.0.0 in February 2006.[8] Between 2009 and 2012, BioRuby was the focus of a number of Google Summer of Code projects to improve the codebase.[9] BioRuby Version 2.0.0 was released in 2019.[6]
Biogem provides a set of tools for bioinformaticians who want to code an application or library that uses or extends BioRuby's core library, as well as share the code as a gem on[10] Any gem published via the Biogem framework is also listed at[11]
The aim of Biogem is to promote a modular approach to the BioRuby package and simplify the creation of modules by automating process of setting up directory/file scaffolding, a git repository and releasing online package databases.[12]