Bhimesvara Bisrama ghara is located in the Bhimesvara temple precinct in the Kapila Prasad, Housing Board Colony, Bhimatangi, Bhubaneswar. It is facing towards north. It has pyramidal superstructure.
Traditions & legends
Locals legend associates the precinct with the Pandava brothers.
Single/ Multiple: Multiple
Public/ Private: Private
Bhimesvara Mandira Parichalana Samiti
Approximate date: 18th–19th Century A.D.
Source of Information: Architectural features and building materials
Cultural significance: Sivaratri, Kartika Purnima, Dola Purnima are performed.
Physical description
Surrounding: The Rest house is surrounded by another rest house in west at a distance of 1.35 metres, compound wall on east at
a distance of 4.00 metres, Arjunesvara temple on north within a distance of 1.85 metres and a modern structure in south at a distance
of 1.50 metres.
Orientation: The Rest house is facing towards north.
Architectural features (Plan & Elevation)
On plan, the structure has a square vimana measuring 4.00 square metres, with a frontal porch measuring 2.00 metres in length. On elevation, the vimana is in pidha order that measures 5.03 metres in height from pabhaga to mastaka. From bottom to the top the
temple has a bada, gandi and mastaka. With fivefold divisions of the bada the temple has a panchanga bada measuring 2.53 metres in height. Pabhaga measures 0.49 metres, tala jangha 0.62 metres, bandhana 0.23 metres, upara jangha 0.61 metres 42 and baranda 0.59 metres. The gandi measures 2.00 metres and mastaka 0.50 metres.
Decorative features
Door Jambs: There are two door ways leading into the sanctum