Bhaisani Islampur

Bhaisani Islampur is a village in Shamli district, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is situated in the block Thana Bhawan on Thana Bhawan to Babri Road, 5 km in the east of the Thana Bhawan. Officially Bhaisani Islampur is called Maisani Ismailpur which is registered in documents. It was formerly in Muzaffarnagar district but now comes into the Shamli district after 2009 (Earlier Shamli district was Parbudh Nagar, the name given by former CM Miss. Mayawati. It is the highest minority populated gram panchayat in Shamli district. Current Gram pradhan - Ma. Aadil Rao s/o Mr. Kamil Rao Kamil Pradhan (Former pardhan 2006–11). Muslim rajput and Jatav live in this village. Muslim Population is 95-97% and the rest are the Jatav in the village. There are 7 Islamic Madarsas, 29 Masjid, 1 Mandir, 2 primary schools, 1 Junior high school, and 5 public schools. Punjab National Bank previously OBC Bank Branch situated in the village, and a water tank built-in 2009, a Power House which is built in the same year. The roads and the facility conditions are moderate in the village. Water sewer or other drainage system is horrible. Single rain and water start flooded on roads in some areas but improvement is going on and related issues under working. Bhaisani Islampur has its own post office, 1 Govt hospital, 1 Panchayat Ghar (which is like 1 BHK flat). Literary rate is quite low around 25% while girls literary rate is around 1-2%.This is Muslim majority village. Bhaisani Islampur village comes under Kairana Loksabha and Thana Bhawan Vidhan Sabha.


29°34′N 77°28′E / 29.567°N 77.467°E / 29.567; 77.467