Bertil Tunje (born 1941) from BoråsSweden, was the vice-chairman of the World Scout Committee, the main executive body of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. He joined as a member of the World Scout Committee 1985 and was elected as Vice-chairman 1990 and served as that until 1996. He was a member of the Steering Committee of the World Scout Committee 1985 to 1996. Tunje served as a member of the WOSM/WAGGGS Consultative Committee 1985–1995, World Programme Committee 1985–1990. He was the chairman of the Educational Methods Group 1990-1996 and he was the chairman Strategy Task Force 1996–1999.
Tunje joined the scout troop Borås IV Kolonn/Sjömarkens Sjöscoutkår in 1948. He has hold several position in Swedish scouting, he was a member of the board of Svenska Scoutförbundet 1969–1972, 1977-1984 (vice chairman. 1981–1984) and he was a member of the board of the Swedish Scout Council 1977-1987 and was International Commissioner for Swedish Scouting 1978–1987.