Amrhein works in painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, video, multimedia, and installation.
Her work has been exhibited at the Contemporary Museum in Baltimore, USA, in 2007;[2]Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv Herzliya; Palais de Tokyo[citation needed], Paris; Convent of the Cordeliers, and Châteauroux in 2004.[citation needed].
Amrhein has held numerous solo exhibitions around the world. Some of her notable exhibitions are Paris-Texas (1992), Innocent Désire (1993), Hope (1994), Prométhée (1995). Since 2000, she has exhibited regularly at Galerie Pascal Gabert, C. Downey, New York, Sara Gata Studio, New York, and Nancy Wine, Brooklyn, New York.[3]
^George Sand, interprétations 2004 Musées de Châteauroux - 2004 "Béatrice-Valentine AMRHEIN Report on body II and the body system" - Née le 27 juillet 1961 à Wassy (69), vit et travaille à Arcueil, Paris, New York. Installation devoiles peints, photographies jet d'encre. 600 x 800 x 400 cm 2004 Cette installation ..."