Beacon Hill (sometimes stylized Beacon Hill the Series) is a soap operaweb series that premiered on March 5, 2014 at Created by Linda Hill and Jessica Hill and executive produced by Crystal Chappell, season one stars Alicia Minshew and Sarah Brown as ex-lovers caught up in political and family drama in the affluent Boston neighborhood of Beacon Hill. Both roles were recast for season two with Nadia Bjorlin and Marem Hessler respectively.
New York City reporter Sara Preston returns home to Beacon Hill to find her senator grandfather ailing, the rest of her family in shambles and her ex-girlfriend Kate Wesley caught up in political drama.
Sarah Brown (season 1) and Marem Hassler (season 2) as Massachusetts State Representative Katherine "Kate" Wesley
Ron Raines as Senator William Preston, Sara's grandfather, a longtime Democratic senator for Massachusetts who will stop at nothing to get what he wants
Scott Bryce as Senator Tom Wesley, Katherine's father, a conservative Republican senator
Rebecca Mozo as Laura Parker, Katherine's best friend
Created by Linda Hill and Jessica Hill, Beacon Hill is executive produced by veteran actress and producer Chappell, with Co-Executive Producer Christa Morris, Supervising Producer Hillary B. Smith and producers Goldin, Hill and Hill.[1][2]Albert Alarr directed season 1, with Kevin Perry as director of photography and Paul F. Antonelli as music supervisor.[2]