In 1887, a group of First Aliyah pioneers from Bessarabia founded a moshava, which they named Qastina, after the neighboring Palestinian village of the same name. Although supported by Baron Edmond de Rothschild, the moshava did not prosper due to lack of water, distance from other Jewish centers, attacks by neighboring Arab villagers and strained relations between the settlers and the Baron's administration.[2]
In 1896, the association of Hovevei Zion in Odessa purchased the land and new settlers came. Qastina was renamed Be'er Tuvia - an adaptation of the site's Arabic name, "Bir Ta'abya".[2] In 1910, the moshava again faced financial collapse and some members approached the Jewish National Fund with a proposal that it buy the land and houses. The JNF agreed, but due to disagreement with Hovevei Zion this never happened. Instead, the JNF compensated farmers who left Be'er Tuvia and in 1913 brought farmers from Hulda to replace them. Within a short time, the moshava's situation was much improved.[3]
By 1990s the moshav economy was mainly based on citrus and intensive farming.[2]Ben & Jerry's also manufactures ice cream at this location and their only factory in the Middle East.[8]