^Patchan, p. 174, note 412. Patchan doesn't include Jones' Niter & Mining Battalion in his Order of Battle, or mention them separately in the footnote, but it is described as a separate command in the text. It is uncertain if this is included in Brewer's numbers or not.
^Patchan, p. 154, & p. 174, note 413. Previous returns on April 16th show Vaughn's Brigade numbering 1726 effectives, though Patchan notes that many remained behind in Tennessee, due to logistical issues and desertions. On June 15th, after the battle, the brigade numbered 819 men. Adding back the 298 casualties (listed on page 152 of Patchan), gives a field strength of 1117 officers and men; though this doesn't take into account later actions and returning men from East Tennessee.