The Battle of Beitang, during the Boxer Rebellion, was fought on September 20, 1900, between the Eight Nation Alliance and the Great Qing army.
Beitang is 5 mi (8.0 km) north of Tianjin. It was necessary to capture Beitang for organising railway connection between Tianjin and Manchuria.[citation needed]
During the night, Russian troops captured a Chinese position near the destroyed Beitang railway station, and built several batteries. In the morning, Russian and German cannons began to bombard the fortress, and at 10 a.m. the Chinese garrison fled. At noon, the fortress was captured without fighting.[citation needed]
- Д.Г.Янчевецкий "У стен недвижного Китая". Санкт-Петербург - Порт-Артур, 1903 (D.G.Yanchevetskiy "Near the Walls of unmoving China", Sankt-Peterburg - Port-Artur, 1903)
- В. Г. Дацышен «Русско-китайская война 1900 года. Поход на Пекин» — СПБ, 1999. ISBN 5-8172-0011-2 (V.G.Datsishen "Russo-chinese war of 1900. March to Beijing", Sankt-Peterburg, 1999)