As it ascends the medial side of the biceps in the arm proper (between the elbow and shoulder), the basilic vein normally perforates the brachial fascia (deep fascia) in the middle of the medial bicipital groove, and run upwards medial to the brachial artery to the lower border of teres major, continuing as the axillary vein.
Tributaries and anastomoses
Near the region anterior to the cubital fossa (in the bend of the elbow joint), the basilic vein usually communicates with the cephalic vein (the other large superficial vein of the upper extremity) via the median cubital vein. The layout of superficial veins in the forearm is highly variable from person to person, and there is a profuse network of unnamed superficial veins that the basilic vein communicates with.[citation needed]
Along with other superficial veins in the forearm, the basilic vein is an acceptable site for venipuncture. Nevertheless, IV nurses sometimes dub the basilic vein "the virgin vein", since with the arm typically supinated during phlebotomy the basilic vein below the elbow becomes awkward to access, and is therefore infrequently used.[citation needed]