The Baiying Bologai Formation, in other literature named Bayan Bologai Formation, is an Early Cretaceous geologic formation in the Ömnögovi Province of Mongolia.[1]Dinosaur remains are among the fossils that have been recovered from the formation, although none have yet been referred to a specific genus.[2]
Fossil content
The following fossils have been reported from the formation:[1]
Coombs, W.P (1987), Asiatic Ceratopsidae might be Ankylosauridae In P. J. Currie & E. H. Koster (eds.), Fourth Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, Drumheller, Alberta, pp. 48–51
Gilmore, C.W (1933), "Two new dinosaurian reptiles from Mongolia with notes on some fragmentary specimens", American Museum Novitates (679): 1–20