The ninth season of Bad Girls Club is titled Bad Girls Club: Mexico and premiered on July 9, 2012 and was filmed in Cabo San Lucas in early 2012. This is the fourth season to take place in a different location from Los Angeles, the first being season five (filmed in Miami),[1] the second being season seven (filmed in New Orleans),[2] and the third being season eight (filmed in Las Vegas).[3]Bad Girls Club: Mexico was the first season to have a three-part reunion.[4]
The season began with seven original bad girls, of which one left voluntarily and two were removed by production. Three replacement bad girls were introduced in their absences later in the season.
Feuds continue to flare between Mehgan and Rima as well with Christina and Julie which leads to some violent surprises. Meanwhile, Christina is the target of Bad Girl wrath out at the club and leads to a house brawl between her and Julie.
The girls put their problems aside to celebrate Mehgan's 22nd lingerie themed birthday party; however, after a spa day the house drifts further apart as two of the girls are left at home. Christina and Julie fight once again and all the roommates are over it. Meanwhile, Erika and Rima's friendship starts to tumble that leads to a shouting match.
Erika puts Rima through four days of torture, while Julie, Falen, and Mehgan oversee a plan to take down the Sad Girls once and for all. The tension between Christina and Julie explodes which leads to a confrontational fight.
Erika is sent packing after her fight with Rima. The girls go on a vacation to La Paz with their new housemate, Andrea. Meanwhile, Christina and Ashley's friendship is in ruins after Christina's fierce temper rubs Ashley the wrong way.
Rima gets bad vibes from new girl Andrea after her fight with Ashley, which pushes Christina to the limit after Rima gets under her skin. Meanwhile, Andrea is questioning her relationship after a visit from her boyfriend turns ugly. Christina confronts Rima for her poor actions which leads to a fight.
A divide begins to form within Julie, Falen and Mehgan's clique as Julie and Falen begin to notice Mehgan's true colors. Meanwhile, Rima spots a man she likes despite having a man back home. Christina is ultimately sent packing.
Mehgan realizes Julie & Falen are turning their backs on her, so she decides to stand her ground and fight back. Sexy new Bad Boy Zayden joins the cast and stirs up a night that will go down in Bad Girls Club history.
Note: Zayden replaces Christina. Mehgan voluntarily leaves the house.
Ashley and Andrea go head to head after Andrea gets under everyone's skin. Rima tries to get Andrea out of the house. Meanwhile, one Bad Girl finds all the love she needs right in the Bad Girls Club mansion.
Andrea tries to make things right with the other girls, but backfires. Ashley is seeking out a Mr. Right, but will she find him at the clubs? Andrea is on her breaking point.
Andrea decides to battle for her stay in the house but decides to leave. The Bad Girls hit up the ATL for their final Pink Kitty dance routine, but will they be greeted with open arms or closed fists? Also, Season 8 bad girl Erica makes an appearance on the show.
Note: Andrea voluntarily leaves the house. Natasha replaces Mehgan.
Falen and Julie's relationship takes a surprising turn after Julie's heartbreak gets the best of her. Meanwhile, Rima finally chooses between her two mans. Natasha questions her motives of staying in the Bad Girls Club house.
Tempers flare when the girls are surprised to find their old roommates with unfinished business back at the house for an explosive photoshoot. Meanwhile, Falen & Julie's sexy hook-up has them unsure of their future together.
Note: Erika, Christina, Mehgan and Andrea all make an appearance.
The drama-filled reunion kicks off with tensions flaring as the girls arrive at their hotel in Los Angeles and prepare to sit down face-to-face with their former roommates and rivals. Host Tanisha Thomas is ready to play referee as spitfire Andrea shows up thirsty for revenge.
Viewers will be in for more than a few surprises when the entire cast reunites in one room to talk about the most dramatic and scandalous moments of the season. Hot tempers and accusations fly as the ‘Bad Girls’ air out their dirty laundry and Mehgan gets ready to throw down against her ex-BFF’s while Erika singles out one especially devious ‘Bad Girl’ as her target.
In part 3 of the reunion, Erika and Julie face each other and talk about all the scheming and flip flopping going on into the house that leads to a fight. Rima and Mehgan consider burying the hatchet but when Julie and Falen receive an unwanted gift it leads to a final explosive "Bad" Girls blowout. Ashley and Andrea decide to make amends and be cool with one another. In addition, a first look at BGC10 is shown.