"Away" is a song performed by singer Fatin Shidqia. It is her first single and featured on her second album which would be released in 2016. This song is her first English-language song and used for Soundtrack her debut film title Dreams. In this song, Fatin says the word "Away" 81 times which is noticeable.[1]
Music videos
The lyric video was released on September 17, 2015 on FatinVevo YouTube account channel[2] The music video was released on October 8, 2015 on FatinVevo YouTube account channel.[3]
Live performances
The track was performed live for the first time on 16 September 2015 at Dahsyat on RCTI.[4] On 28 April 2016, Fatin was performed this song in acoustic version at SCTV Music Awards 2016.[5] Fatin also sing this song on her off air performances.