Avec un grand A
Avec un grand A is a French-Canadian drama television series comprising 52 episodes which aired from February 19, 1986 to March 22, 1996 on Télé-Québec.[1] Created and written by Janette Bertrand, the series dealt with issues impacting romance and/or relationships, with each episode tackling a different subject and featuring different characters and situations.[2] Some notable subjects included being closeted and married, prostitution, illness, rape, domestic violence and suicide.[1][2] Although not its official title, the series is sometimes referred to as L'amour avec un grand A (Love With a Capital "L") due to the fact that the series' DVD set released in 2005, featuring ten episodes, had that title on the box.[3] It is also the title of the series' theme song, sung by Ginette Reno.[4] References
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