Atomic Saké is a 1999 Canadian short drama film, directed by Louise Archambault.[1] The film centres on Ariane (Audrey Benoit), Véronique (Suzanne Clément) and Mathilde (Noémie Godin-Vigneau), three female friends talking over drinks who decide to reveal their innermost secrets, including Mathilde's revelation that she is in love with Ariane and tries to come out to her.[2][3]
The film has been described by critics as having a Rashomon-like structure of shifting perspectives on the subjective nature of truth.[4][5]
^Lucille Cairns, "Lesbian Desire in Recent French and Francophone Cinema" in Lesbian Inscriptions in Francophone Society and Culture (Renate Günther, Wendy Michallat, eds.). Durham Modern Languages, 2007. ISBN9780907310624. pp. 45-63.