The Asociación de Scouts del Perú (ASP, Scout Association of Peru) is the national Scouting organization of Peru. Peruvian Scouting was founded in 1911 and was among the charter members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1922. It has 4,852 members (as of 2011).[1]
Vocational training is provided in a number of fields. There are many community services and Scouts work with the Red Cross in some of their programs. Conservation programs are stressed. Scouts have the opportunity to visit jungle villages and learning about the conservation of nature first hand. Tree planting is done by many groups. Scouts work to restore and maintain ancient Inca sites such as Machu Picchu and Cusco. A number of Scout projects deal with increasing food production and improving nutrition in communities.
The Asociación de Scouts del Perú was founded by Juan Luis Rospigliosi (June, 24 1854-July 24, 1935)[2] on May 25, 1911 at Barranco English Institute in Lima.[3] In October 1913 the second Scout brigade formed.
From January 4 to 11, 2015, the ninth National Jamboree was held in Chimbote.
From 2013 the organization uses the WOSM brand for its logo, like the South African Scout Association logo but with "Perú" added.[citation needed] The original fleur-de-lis emblem created in 1913 is still used as the Scout section badge and features a stylized Inti, the Andeansun-god.
Program sections
Lobatos/Cubs-ages 7 to 11
Scouts-ages 11 to 15
Caminantes/Venturing-ages 15 to 18
Rovers-ages 18 to 21
Scout Motto
Siempre Listo, Be Prepared
Scout Promise
Por mi honor prometo hacer cuanto de mi dependa para cumplir mis deberes para con Dios, patria y padres. Ayudar al projimo en toda circunstancia y cumplir fielmente la ley Scout.
Scout Law
El Scout genera confianza.
El Scout es leal en lo correcto.
El Scout es util y ayuda a los demas sin pensar en recompensas.
El Scout es amigo de todos y hermano de cualquier Scout sin distincion de credo, raza, clase social o nacionalidad.
El Scout es cortes y caballeroso.
El Scout ve en la naturaleza la obra de Dios, cuida y protege a los animales y las plantas.
El Scout obedece en lo correcto teniendo siempre en cuenta los Derechos Humanos y termina lo que empieza.
El Scout sonrie y canta ante sus dificultades.
El Scout es exitoso, economico, trabajador y cuidadoso del bien ajeno.
El Scout es limpio y sano, puro de pensamientos, palabras y acciones.