Artur Pappenheim (13 December 1870 in Berlin – 31 December 1916) was a German physician and hematologist, remembered for his pioneer efforts in stem cell research.[1]
Pappenheim was a prolific writer, being the author of several books and numerous scientific papers. He was the founder of Folia haematologica, a journal dedicated to hematology. With Hans Hirschfeld, he was a catalyst towards the founding of the Berliner Hämatologischen Gesellschaft (1908).[3]
Today, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie (German Society of Hematology and Oncology) issues an annual "Artur-Pappenheim-Preis" for the best work in the fields of hematology or haematological oncology.
Associated eponyms
"Pappenheim's stain I": A staining method used for differentiating tubercle and smegma bacilli.[4]
"Pappenheim's stain II" (Unna-Pappenheim stain): A methylene green–pyronin staining method commonly used for blood smears.[5]
Selected writings
Die Bildung der roten Blutscheiben, 1895
Grundriss der Farbchemie zum Gebrauch bei mikroskopischen Arbeiten, 1901
Atlas der menschlichen Blutzellen, 1905-1912
Grundriss der haematologischen Diagnostik und praktischen Blutuntersuchung, VIII + 264 pages, 1911
Technik der klinischen Blutuntersuchung, 1911; later translated into English and published as "Clinical Examination Of The Blood And Its Technique: A Manual For Students And Practitioners" (1914).[6]
Über die verschiedenen lymphoiden Zellformen des normalen und pathologischen Blutes, 1911 (with Adolfo Ferrata 1880-1946).
Morphologische Hämatologie. Volume 1 published by Hans Hirschfeld (1873-1944). Leipzig, W. Klinkhardt, 1919.