In Montafon, streets are named after Arnold Durig: Hofrat-Durig-Weg in Schruns and Hofrat-Durig-Straße in the Latschau district of Tschagguns
Arnold Durig and Lorenz Böhler are commemorated by the Durig-Böhler Prize awarded in Vorarlberg
The Arnold Durig Award is awarded periodically by the Austrian Society for Nutrition to and the Arnold Durig Memorial Lecture is given at the Society's annual meetings.
Selected writings
Beiträge zur Physiologie des Menschen im Hochgebirge. Internationales Institut für Hochgebirgsforschungen Monte Rosa 1903, 1904 - Contributions in regards to the physiology of people living in the mountains. International Research Institute for high altitude research at Monte Rosa in 1903.
Physiologische Ergebnisse der im Jahre 1906 durchgeführten Monte Rosa-Expedition (1909, second edition 1911) - Results of physiological work conducted on the 1906 Monte Rosa expedition.
Zum Ernährungsproblem Österreichs, 1920 - On the problem of nutrition in Austria.
Die Grundlagen der praktischen Ernährungslehre, 1928 - The basics of practical nutrition education.
Über die physiologischen Grundlagen der Atemübungen, 1931 - The physiological principles of breathing exercises.
Über Blutdruck und Blutdruckmessung, 1932 - On blood pressure and blood pressure measurement.[4]
^NCBI Arnold Durig (1872-1961): life and work. An Austrian pioneer in exercise and high altitude physiology. High Alt Med Biol. 2012 Sep;13(3):224-31. PMID22994523