There was a blast in the civil court premises around 11:35 am IST. A suspected woman might have carried out the suicide bombing as per initial findings. Two persons along with the woman were killed in the blast, one of them was a police constable. At least seven more people were injured in the attack.[1][2] Taking advantage of the chaos following the blast, two criminals under trial who were brought to the court for a hearing fled the premises.[3][4]
Additional Director General of Police Gupteshwar Pandey said the woman was carrying the bomb in her purse and it had exploded accidentally, denying she was a suicide bomber. The woman was identified as Rina Gaudh, the district magistrate of Bhojpur said she was trying to help two prisoners escape, she didn't carry out a terror attack.[6]
In 2019, Lambu Sharma was sentenced to a life term for his role in the attack. Sharma, a local gangster and explosives expert was one of the prisoners that successfully fled when the blast went off.[7]