Lambe made her film debut as Spring in the 2018 film The Grizzlies, based on a real-life story, as Wynter Kuliktana Blais.[1] She was encouraged to audition for the role by her drama teacher. The film was shot in Iqaluit, Lambe's hometown.[1] The film was met with critical acclaim, and Lambe was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 7th Canadian Screen Awards for her performance.[2]
In 2020, she had a supporting role as Sarah in the television series Trickster.[3] At the 9th Canadian Screen Awards in 2021, she received a nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.[4]
In 2020 she wrote an open letter calling for the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut to censure MLA Cathy Towtongie, following Towtongie's statement objecting to the use of the word two-spirit in a legislative motion on the grounds that the concept was not a part of Inuit culture.[7] She wrote that "as Inuit, we pride ourselves on being a tolerant, accepting people… Cathy Towtongie does not speak for me as an Inuk in claiming two-spirit lives are not the Inuit way. Sexual fluidity and gender fluidity are parts of Inuit history…"[8]