Anita, no te rajes (Anita, Don't Give Up!) is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the American-based television network Telemundo. It stars Jorge Enrique Abello, Ivonne Montero and Natalia Streignard. It was written by Valentina Parraga,[1] directed by David Posada and Gaviria; with Martha Godoy and Mary-Kathryn Kennedy as General Producer and Aurelio Valcárcel Carroll as Executive Producer. This telenovela was aired in at least 10 countries around the world.
Although the novela was set in Los Angeles, Telemundo filmed the serial in Miami, Fl. Through [sometimes not so] careful editing it was made to appear as Los Angeles. The network debuted it on September 14, 2004 to April 4, 2005 at the 7 pm (6 pm central) timeslot. Telemundo added English subtitles as closed captions on CC3.
¡Anita, no te rajes! is a funny story which tells the adventures of Anita, a positive and happy young Mexican girl who never gave up on everything, following her deceased mother's quote: "Las Guerrero no se rajan" (The Guerreros never give up). Anita decides to come to the US without her documents in order to find her aunt, Consuelo Guerrero, the only surviving member of her family.
Consuelo married an important contractor of Irish origins and she is heiress to a huge fortune.
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